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Treatment room up and running, 17 August 2020

Our treatment room for the PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy) machine is now up and running and we're getting some really good results! Please contact us for more information and to make a booking. The shop will be closed for food shopping at 1pm on Saturdays and the rest of the afternoon will be for pre-booked PEMF sessions.
What a relief that the very hot weather is over. My sister in London recorded 36 degrees C in her garden in the sun. Aren't we lucky that we live in North Yorkshire!
This week in the shop we have organic beef and chicken broth which help with digestive problems, are rich in minerals and improve the immune system. We also have a few of Mike and Pam Sellers local organic tomatoes and cooking apples. See our price guide for details.